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Participation in the Virtual Exhibition

Article 1: May be able to participate in the virtual show, only physical and moral persons, those who work in the following crafts: weaving, clothing, leather and shoes, wood, metals, natural fibres, pottery and stone, glasswork, paper mill. There are also many other crafts such as: painting and decoration, the manifestation of traditional cages, the manifestation of traditional music instruments, calligraphy, manufacture of coral, crimping, manufacture of candles, manufacture of sieves, manufacture of perfume, tapestry furniture, manufacture of decorative items, crafted toys and sterns, manufacture of lamps.


Article2: exhibitors can set their participation either by check (for the benefit of CCIS) or by bank transfer to the CCIS account: in BIAT N°: 08801000312005330121 / Chaker Agency Sfax,Tunisia.


Article 3: any exposed product represents a commitment from the exhibiter‘s property and the chamber assumes no responsibility thereon.


Participation form
 Company name: *
  Manager : *
 Phone: *
 E-mail: *
 Address: *
 Login: *
 Password: *
 Space sector: *
 We would like :
Reserve a Stand for 500 DT/year TTC
Reserve an ad banner that scrolls down 150 * 80px Free
Reserve a space 242 * 210px: 150 DT/year TTC
Reserve a video advertising:
150 DT/year TTC
(*):Obligatory information
